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杜思德 医师 彰化基督教医院 内分泌新陈代谢科 主治医师


彰化基督教医院 内分泌新陈代谢科 主治医师


  • 学经历
    中华民国糖尿病卫教学会第七届、第八届 理事长

    彰化基督教医院内分泌新陈代谢科 主治医师
    鹿港基督教医院内分泌新陈代谢科 主治医师
    汉铭医院内分泌新陈代谢科 主治医师
    中华民国糖尿病卫教学会第九届 理事
    中华民国糖尿病学会第十四届 常务理事
    中华民国骨质疏松学会第十一届 理事


    1. Ming-Lung Yu , Chih-Yuan Wang , Mei-Hsuan Lee , Horng-Yih Ou , Pin-Nan Cheng , Shih-Te Tu , Jee-Fu Huang , Jung-Fu Chen , Tsung-Hui Hu , Chih-Cheng Hsu , Jia-Horng Kao , Chien-Jen Chen , Han-Chieh Lin , Chien-Ning Huang
      TASL, TADE, and DAROC consensus for the screening and management of hepatitis C in patients with diabetes J Formos Med Assoc. 2023 Mar;122(3):202-220.

    2. Chun-Feng Huang , Jung-Fu Chen, Ian R Reid , Wing P Chan , Peter Robert Ebeling , Bente Langdahl , Shih-Te Tu , Toshio Matsumoto , Ding-Cheng Chan , Yoon-Sok Chung , Fang-Ping Chen , E Michael Lewiecki , Keh-Sung Tsai , Rong-Sen Yang , Seng Bin Ang , Ko-En Huang , Yin-Fan Chang , Chung-Hwan Chen , Joon-Kiong Lee , Hsin-I Ma , Weibo Xia , Ambrish Mithal , David L Kendler , Cyrus Cooper , Jawl-Shan Hwang , Chih-Hsing Wu
      Asia-pacific consensus on osteoporotic fracture prevention in postmenopausal women with low bone mass or osteoporosis but no fragility fractures. J Formos Med Assoc. 2023 Feb 10;S0929-6646(23)00035-9.

    3. Tong-Yuan Tai , Chi-Ling Chen, Keh-Song Tsai , Shih-Te Tu , Jin-Shang Wu, Wei-Shiung Yang
      A longitudinal analysis of serum adiponectin levels and bone mineral density in postmenopausal women in Taiwan. Sci Rep. 2022 May 16;12(1):8090.

    4. Cheng-Huang Su , Jiann-Shing Jeng , Shih-Te Tu , Chien-Ning Huang , Hung-I Yeh
      An Effective Strategy to Activate Physicians to Promote High Cardiovascular Risk Patients to Quit Smoking. Acta Cardiol Sin. 2022 Jul;38(4):521-525.

    5. Hon-Ke Sia , Chew-Teng Kor, Shih-Te Tu , Pei-Yung Liao , Jiun-Yi Wang
      Association between smoking and glycemic control in men with newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes: a retrospective matched cohort study. Ann Med. 2022 Dec;54(1):1385-1394.

    6. Jun-Sing Wang , I-Te Lee , Wen-Jane Lee , Shi-Dou Lin , Shih-Li Su, Shih-Te Tu , Shih-Yi Lin , Wayne Huey-Herng Sheu
      The dawn phenomenon in type 2 diabetes: its association with glucose excursions and changes after oral glucose-lowering drugs. Ther Adv Chronic Dis. 2021 Aug 10;12:20406223211033674.

    7. Pablo Aschner , Gagik Galstyan , Dilek G Yavuz , Leon Litwak , Guillermo Gonzalez-Galvez , Freddy Goldberg-Eliaschewitz , Khadija Hafidh , Khier Djaballah , Shih-Te Tu , Ambika G Unnikrishnan , Kamlesh Khunti. Diabetes Ther. 2021 May;12(5):1491-1501.

    8. Chih-Hsing Wu , Yin-Fan Chang , Chung-Hwan Chen , E Michael Lewiecki , Christian Wüster , Ian Reid , Keh-Sung Tsai , Toshio Matsumoto , Leilani B Mercado-Asis , Ding-Cheng Chan , Jawl-Shan Hwang , Ching-Lung Cheung , Kenneth Saag , Joon-Kiong Lee , Shih-Te Tu , Weibo Xia , Wei Yu , Yoon-Sok Chung , Peter Ebeling , Ambrish Mithal , Serge Livio Ferrari , Cyrus Cooper , Gau-Tyan Lin , Rong-Sen Yang
      Consensus Statement on the Use of Bone Turnover Markers for Short-Term Monitoring of Osteoporosis Treatment in the Asia-Pacific Region. J Clin Densitom. 2021 Jan-Mar;24(1):3-13.

    9. Hon-Ke Sia , Chew-Teng Kor , Shih-Te Tu , Pei-Yung Liao , Yu-Chia Chang
      Predictors of treatment failure during the first year in newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes patients: a retrospective, observational study. PeerJ. 2021 Mar 2;9:e11005.

    10. Sia HK, Kor CT, Tu ST, Liao PY, Chang YC*.
      Predictors of treatment failure during the first year in newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes patients: a retrospective, observational study. PeerJ. 2021 Mar 2;9:e11005.

    11. Wu CH, Chang YF, Chen CH, Lewiecki EM, Wüster C, Reid I, Tsai KS, Matsumoto T, Mercado-Asis LB, Chan DC, Hwang JS, Cheung CL, Saag K, Lee JK, Tu ST, Xia W, Yu W, Chung YS, Ebeling P, Mithal A, Ferrari SL, Cooper C, Lin GT, Yang RS*.
      Consensus Statement on the Use of Bone Turnover Markers for Short-Term Monitoring of Osteoporosis Treatment in the Asia-Pacific Region. J Clin Densitom. 2021 Jan-Mar;24(1):3-13.

    12. Sia HK, Kor CT, Tu ST, Liao PY, Wang JY*.
      Self-monitoring of blood glucose in association with glycemic control in newly diagnosed non-insulin-treated diabetes patients: a retrospective cohort study. Sci Rep. 2021 Jan 13;11(1):1176.

    13. Chen JF, Peng YS, Chen CS, Tseng CH, Chen PC, Lee TI, Lu YC, Yang YS, Lin CL, Hung YJ, Chen ST, Lu CH, Yang CY, Chen CC, Lee CC, Hsiao PJ, Jiang JY, Tu ST*.
      Use and effectiveness of dapagliflozin in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: a multicenter retrospective study in Taiwan. PeerJ. 2020 Nov 17;8:e9998.

    14. Wu CH, Hung WC, Chang IL, Tsai TT, Chang YF, McCloskey EV, Watts NB, McClung MR, Huang CF, Chen CH, Wu KL, Tsai KS, Chan DC, Chen JF, Tu ST, Hwang JS, Xia W, Matsumoto T, Chung YS, Cooper C, Kanis JA, Yang RS, Chan WP*.
      Pharmacologic intervention for prevention of fractures in osteopenic and osteoporotic postmenopausal women: Systemic review and meta-analysis. Bone Rep. 2020 Oct 27;13:100729.

    15. Lin FJ, Shyu KG, Hsieh IC, Huey-Herng Sheu W, Tu ST, Yeh SJ, Chen CI, Lu KC, Wu CC, Shau WY, Inocencio TJ, Wen YC, Yeh HI*.
      Cost-effectiveness of statin therapy for secondary prevention among patients with coronary artery disease and baseline LDL-C 70-100 mg/dL in Taiwan. J Formos Med Assoc. 2020 May;119(5):907-916.

    16. Sia HK, Tu ST, Liao PY, Lin KH, Kor CT, Yeh LL*.
      A convenient diagnostic tool for discriminating adult-onset glutamic acid decarboxylase antibody-positive autoimmune diabetes from type 2 diabetes: a retrospective study. PeerJ. 2020 Feb 14;8:e8610.

    17. Chu CH, Hsu CC, Lin SY, Chuang LM, Liu JS, Tu ST*.
      Trends in antidiabetic medical treatment from 2005 to 2014 in Taiwan. J Formos Med Assoc. 2019 Nov;118 Suppl 2:S74-S82.

    18. Hsu CC, Tu ST, Sheu WH*.
      2019 Diabetes Atlas: Achievements and challenges in diabetes care in Taiwan. J Formos Med Assoc. 2019 Nov;118 Suppl 2:S130-S134.

    19. Wang CY, Wu YL, Sheu WH, Tu ST, Hsu CC, Tai TY*.
      Accountability and utilization of diabetes care from 2005 to 2014 in Taiwan. J Formos Med Assoc. 2019 Nov;118 Suppl 2:S111-S121.

    20. Li HY, Wu YL, Tu ST, Hwu CM, Liu JS, Chuang LM*.
      Trends of mortality in diabetic patients in Taiwan: A nationwide survey in 2005-2014. J Formos Med Assoc. 2019 Nov;118 Suppl 2:S83-S89.

    21. Cheng PC, Hsu SR, Kuo JF, Cheng YC, Liu YH, Tu ST*.
      Comparing the Effect of Dipeptidyl-Peptidase 4 Inhibitors and Sulfonylureas on Albuminuria in Patients with Newly Diagnosed Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: A Prospective Open-Label Study. J Clin Med. 2019 Oct 17;8(10):1715.

    22. Lin CH, Kuo SC, Hsieh MC, Ho SY, Su IJ, Lin SH, Chi CY, Su SL, Liao CY, Chen YC, Hsu SR, Huang YC, Tseng FC, Wang SY, Dou HY, Lin SD, Lin JS, Tu ST*, Yeh YP*.
      Effect of diabetes mellitus on risk of latent TB infection in a high TB incidence area: a community-based study in Taiwan. BMJ Open. 2019 Oct 28;9(10):e029948.

    23. Tien KJ, Hung YJ, Chen JF, Chen CC, Wang CY, Hwu CM, Huang YY, Hsiao PJ, Tu ST, Wang CH, Sheu WH*.
      Basal insulin therapy: Unmet medical needs in Asia and the new insulin glargine in diabetes treatment. J Diabetes Investig. 2019 May;10(3):560-570.

    24. Cheng PC, Hsu SR, Li JC, Chen CP, Chien SC, Tu ST, Cheng YC, Liu YH, Kuo JF*.
      Plasma Low-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol Correlates With Heart Function in Individuals With Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: A Cross-Sectional Study. Front Endocrinol (Lausanne). 2019 Apr 11;10:234.

    25. Wang CY, Tu ST, Sheu WH, Chen IC, Chuang LM, Wu MS, Yu CJ*.
      National survey of ABC (A1C, blood pressure, cholesterol) of Diabetes Health Promotion Institutes in Taiwan: 2002-2018. J Formos Med Assoc. 2018 Nov;117(11):952-954.

    26. Wu CH, Tu ST, Chang YF, Chan DC, Chien JT, Lin CH, Singh S, Dasari M, Chen JF, Tsai KS*.
      Fracture liaison services improve outcomes of patients with osteoporosis-related fractures: A systematic literature review and meta-analysis. Bone. 2018 Jun;111:92-100.

    27. Chang LY, Tsai KS, Peng JK, Chen CH, Lin GT, Lin CH, Tu ST, Mao IC, Gau YL, Liu HC, Niu CC, Hsieh MH, Chien JT, Hung WC, Yang RS, Wu CH, Chan DC*.
      The development of Taiwan Fracture Liaison Service network. Osteoporos Sarcopenia. 2018 Jun;4(2):47-52.

    28. Lin SH, Cheng PC, Tu ST, Hsu SR, Cheng YC, Liu YH*.
      Effect of metformin monotherapy on serum lipid profile in statin-naïve individuals with newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes mellitus: a cohort study. PeerJ. 2018 Apr 12;6:e4578.

    29. Cheng PC, Hsu SR, Tu ST, Cheng YC, Liu YH*.
      Body mass index influences the plasma glucose concentration during iatrogenic hypoglycemia in people with type 2 diabetes mellitus: a cross-sectional study. PeerJ. 2018 Feb 15;6:e4348.

    30. Hsu CC, Hsu PF, Sung SH, Tu ST, Yu BH, Huang CJ, Cheng HM*.
      Is There a Preferred Stroke Prevention Strategy for Diabetic Patients with Non-Valvular Atrial Fibrillation? Comparing Warfarin, Dabigatran and Rivaroxaban. Thromb Haemost. 2018 Jan;118(1):72-81.

    31. Hsieh YT, Tsai MJ, Tu ST, Hsieh MC*.
      Association of Abnormal Renal Profiles and Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy and Diabetic Macular Edema in an Asian Population With Type 2 Diabetes. JAMA Ophthalmol. 2018 Jan 1;136(1):68-74.

    32. Wu VC, Hu YH, Er LK, Yen RF, Chang CH, Chang YL, Lu CC, Chang CC, Lin JH, Lin YH, Wang TD, Wang CY, Tu ST, Jeff Chueh SC, Chang CC, Tseng FY, Wu KD*.
      Case detection and diagnosis of primary aldosteronism - The consensus of Taiwan Society of Aldosteronism. J Formos Med Assoc. 2017 Dec;116(12):993-1005.

    33. Wang JS, Lee IT, Lee WJ, Lin SD, Su SL, Tu ST, Tseng YH, Lin SY, Sheu WH*.
      Glycemic excursions are positively associated with HbA1c reduction from baseline after treatment with acarbose in patients with type 2 diabetes on metformin monotherapy. J Diabetes. 2017 Mar;9(3):248-255.

    34. Ko PY, Lin SD, Tu ST, Hsieh MC, Su SL, Hsu SR, Chen YC*.
      High diabetes mellitus prevalence with increasing trend among newly-diagnosed tuberculosis patients in an Asian population: A nationwide population-based study. Prim Care Diabetes. 2016 Apr;10(2):148-55.

    35. Wang JS, Lee IT, Lee WJ, Lin SD, Su SL, Tu ST, Tseng YH, Lin SY, Sheu WH*.
      Glycemic excursions are positively associated with changes in duration of asymptomatic hypoglycemia after treatment intensification in patients with type 2 diabetes. Diabetes Res Clin Pract. 2016 Mar;113:108-15.


  • ● 糖尿病
    ● 甲状腺疾病
    ● 脑下垂体疾病
    ● 肾上腺疾病
    ● 副甲状腺疾病
    ● 性腺疾病等

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