服務 & 研究 & 創新


  1. Yeh, W.-C., Kuo, C.-Y., Chen, J.-M., Ku, T.-H., Yao, D.-J., Ho, Y.-C., & Lin, R.-Y. (2024). Pioneering Data Processing for Convolutional Neural Networks to Enhance the Diagnostic Accuracy of Traditional Chinese Medicine Pulse Diagnosis for Diabetes. Bioengineering, 11(6), 561.
  2. Hackman, A., Chen, C. H., Chen, A. W. G., & Chen, M. K. (2024). Automatic Segmentation of Membranous Glottal Gap Area with U?Net?Based Architecture. The Laryngoscope.
  3. Chang, H.-H., Chiang, J.-H., Tsai, C.-C., & Chiu, P.-F. (2023). Predicting hyperkalemia in patients with advanced chronic kidney disease using the XGBoost model. BMC nephrology, 24(1), 169.
  4. Huang, K.-Y., Hsu, Y.-L., Chen, H.-C., Horng, M.-H., Chung, C.-L., Lin, C.-H., Xu, J.-L., & Hou, M.-H. (2023). Developing a machine-learning model for real-time prediction of successful extubation in mechanically ventilated patients using time-series ventilator-derived parameters. Frontiers in Medicine, 10, 1167445.
  5. Ku, T.-H., Shen, W.-T., Hsieh, C.-T., Chen, G. S., & Shia, W.-C. (2023). Specific Forms of Graphene Quantum Dots Induce Apoptosis and Cell Cycle Arrest in Breast Cancer Cells. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 24(4), 4046.
  6. Lin, Y.-D., Tan, Y.-K., Ku, T., & Tian, B. (2023). A Frequency Estimation Scheme Based on Gaussian Average Filtering Decomposition and Hilbert Transform: With Estimation of Respiratory Rate as an Example. Sensors, 23(8), 3785.
  7. Tu, C. H., Wang, R. T., Wang, B. S., Kuo, C. E., Wang, E. Y., Tu, C. T., & Yu, W. N. (2023). Neural network combining with clinical ultrasonography: A new approach for classification of salivary gland tumors. Head & Neck.
  8. Chang, Y.-Y., Li, P.-C., Chang, R.-F., Chang, Y.-Y., Huang, S.-P., Chen, Y.-Y., Chang, W.-Y., & Yen, H.-H. (2022). Development and validation of a deep learning-based algorithm for colonoscopy quality assessment. Surgical Endoscopy, 36(9), 6446-6455.
  9. Chang, Y. Y., Yen, H. H., Li, P. C., Chang, R. F., Yang, C. W., Chen, Y. Y., & Chang, W. Y. (2022). Upper endoscopy photodocumentation quality evaluation with novel deep learning system. Digestive Endoscopy, 34(5), 994-1001.
  10. Chen, Y.-Y., Lin, C.-Y., Yen, H.-H., Su, P.-Y., Zeng, Y.-H., Huang, S.-P., & Liu, I.-L. (2022). Machine-learning algorithm for predicting fatty liver disease in a Taiwanese population. Journal of personalized medicine, 12(7), 1026.
  11. Kor, C.-T., Li, Y.-R., Lin, P.-R., Lin, S.-H., Wang, B.-Y., & Lin, C.-H. (2022). Explainable machine learning model for predicting first-time acute exacerbation in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Journal of personalized medicine, 12(2), 228.
  12. Ku, T., Zida, S. I., Harfiya, L. N., Li, Y.-H., & Lin, Y.-D. (2022). A Novel Method for Baroreflex Sensitivity Estimation Using Modulated Gaussian Filter. Sensors, 22(12), 4618.
  13. Su, P.-Y., Su, W.-W., Hsu, Y.-C., Wang, S.-Y., Chiu, P.-F., & Yen, H.-H. (2022). Micro-Elimination of Hepatitis C among Patients with Kidney Disease by Using Electronic Reminder System—A Hospital-Based Experience. Journal of clinical medicine, 11(2), 423.
  14. Yang, C.-T., Huang, H.-Y., Yen, H.-H., Yang, C.-W., Chen, Y.-Y., & Huang, S.-P. (2022). Comparison Between Same-Day and Split-Dose Preparations with Sodium Picosulfate/Magnesium Citrate: A Randomized Noninferiority Study. Digestive Diseases and Sciences, 1-12.
  15. Yen, H.-H., Chen, Y.-Y., Lai, J.-H., Chen, H.-M., Yao, C.-T., Huang, S.-P., Liu, I.-L., Zeng, Y.-H., Yang, F.-C., & Siao, F.-Y. (2022). Pan-genotypic direct-acting antiviral agents for undetermined or mixed-genotype hepatitis C infection: a real-world multi-center effectiveness analysis. Journal of clinical medicine, 11(7), 1853.
  16. Yen, H.-H., Tsai, H.-Y., Wang, C.-C., Tsai, M.-C., & Tseng, M.-H. (2022). An Improved Endoscopic Automatic Classification Model for Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease Using Deep Learning Integrated Machine Learning. Diagnostics, 12(11), 2827.
  17. Chang, W.-J., Tsao, L.-C., Yen, H.-H., Yang, C.-W., Lin, J., & Lin, K.-H. (2021). Endoscopic Resection for Gastric Subepithelial Tumor with Backup Laparoscopic Surgery: Description of a Single-Center Experience. Journal of clinical medicine, 10(19), 4423.
  18. Chang, Y.-Y., Li, P.-C., Chang, R.-F., Yao, C.-D., Chen, Y.-Y., Chang, W.-Y., & Yen, H.-H. (2021). Deep learning-based endoscopic anatomy classification: an accelerated approach for data preparation and model validation. Surgical Endoscopy, 1-11.
  19. Chen, M.-W., & Yen, H.-H. (2021). Comparison of the sixth, seventh, and eighth editions of the American Joint Committee on Cancer Tumor-Node-Metastasis staging system for gastric cancer: A single institution experience. Medicine, 100(39).
  20. Su, P.-Y., Chen, Y.-Y., Lai, J.-H., Chen, H.-M., Yao, C.-T., Liu, I.-L., Zeng, Y.-H., Huang, S.-P., Hsu, Y.-C., & Wu, S.-S. (2021). Real-world experience of chronic hepatitis c-related compensated liver cirrhosis treated with glecaprevir/pibrentasvir: a multicenter retrospective study. Journal of clinical medicine, 10(22), 5236.
  21. Yen, H.-H., Wu, P.-Y., Chen, M.-F., Lin, W.-C., Tsai, C.-L., & Lin, K.-P. (2021). Current status and future perspective of artificial intelligence in the management of peptic ulcer bleeding: a review of recent literature. Journal of clinical medicine, 10(16), 3527.


  1. Jia-Lang Xu, T.-H. H., Ying-Lin Hsu , Jui-Ying Lee, Shao-Li Han, . (2023). Based on Deep Learning model predict the Classification of benign and malignant thyroid tumors Asian Oceanian Society of Radiology,
  2. 吳東穎. (2023). Grading of early endometrial cancer using deep learning model. In Asian Oceanian Congress of Radiology 2023, 
  3. 許家朗. (2023b). Prediction of Thyroid Nodule Tumor Size Using Image Segmentation Technology. In TJCOHNS 2023, 
  4. 許家朗;韓紹禮. (2023). 利用語音識別及 GPT 協助病歷輸入 2023台灣教會醫療院所協會年會, 
  5. 陳明汝. (2023). 開發以語音輸入自動估算膳食總熱量之系統 第49屆年會暨營養學會學術研討會, 
  6. 黃國揚. (2023). Validation of a Machine-Learning Model to Predict Extubation Failure in ICU Patients: A Pilot Study In APICS 2023., 
  7. 黃國揚;許家朗. (2023). 利用新的評估方式進行急性呼吸衰竭病患脫離呼吸器 2023台灣教會醫療院所協會年會, 
  8. 韓紹禮. (2023). The Comparisons of Deep Learning Algorithms to Grade Hemophilic Arthropathy on X ray films EAHF 2023 Secretariat,
  9. 古天雄;柯品佑. (2022). A CNN Approach To Predicting Non-Invasive Blood Pressure of Surgical Patients 2022 IEEE 5th International Conference on Knowledge Innovation and Invention (ICKII ), 
  10. 林聖皓;林慶雄;廖秀鳳. (2022). 新型設計的可攜式X光機在肺部疾病偵測的臨床運用 2022台灣胸腔暨重症加護醫學會,
  11. 黃國揚;林慶雄. (2022). 運用機器學習方法量化高解析度電腦斷層中特發性肺纖維化體積 2022台灣胸腔暨重症加護醫學會,  
  12. 陳洋源. (2022). Machine learning algorithm for predicting fatty liver disease in a Taiwanese population 台灣消化醫學週(TDDW 2022), 
  13. 蘇培元. (2022). Pan-genotypic direct-acting antiviral agents for undetermined or mixed-genotype hepatitis C infection: A real-world multi-center effectiveness analysis 台灣消化醫學週(TDDW 2022), 
  14. 吳東穎;陳明汝;許家朗. (2022a). 以深度學習模型進行早期子宮頸內膜癌分級 中華民國放射醫學會112年度第31屆第2次會員大會暨第72次學術研討會, 
  15. 吳東穎;陳明汝;許家朗. (2022b). 基於深度學習方法進行磁振造影影像自動標記-以早期子宮內膜癌為例 中華民國醫事放射學會第56次年會暨國際醫學影像學術研討會,




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