Overseas Medical Mission

Core Value : SHARE


CCH Attended 2023 Nursing Conference at Asia Health

On August 16th, Prof. Nanthaphan Chinlimprasert, the Chairperson of the Southeast Asia Region of the International Council of Nurses (ICN-SEAR) and also the Dean of St. Louis College of Nursing in Thailand, invited Dr. Nina, the CEO of Overseas Medical Mission Center of CCH, Dr. Ya-Wen Lee, the Director of Nursing Department of CCH and Ms. Mei- Chu Chen, the Deputy Director of Nursing Department of CCH to join the Nursing Conference with the main theme “Palliative Care in Hi-Tech Era: how to reach Genuine and Sustainable Happiness.” The conference is co-organized by Thailand Nursing Association, ICN-SEAR, and Informa Markets. Dr. Ya-Wen Lee was invited to share the “Hospice and Palliative Care in Taiwan: Policy, Strategy, and Development,” Ms. Mei-Chou Chen shared “Apply technology for palliative nursing management: Experience sharing from Taiwan.”


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