Overseas Medical Mission

Core Value : SHARE


CCH Medical Team Set off to Papua New Guinea

A medical voluntary team was dispatched to Port Moresby General Hospital (PMGH), Papua New Guinea (PNG), for medical services from 3rd July to 8th July 2023. Not only did the clinical services, give a couple of presentations in PMGH, CCH medical team also visited NCD provincial health authority (NCDPHA) to discuss further cooperation and MOU. In addition, CCH would like to thank the Representative, Mr. Ben Wang, and the Executive Assistant to the Representative, Mr. Jeffrey Pan, of the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in PNG, for their assistance in holding the donation ceremony.

The medical team consists of eight medical staff as follows:
Dr. Kao, Hsiao-Ling / CEO of Overseas Medical Mission Center
Dr. Hsieh, Cheng-Pu / Director of Orthopedic Department
Dr. Chen, Ying-Cheng / Director of Cardiovascular Surgery Department
Dr. Chen, Pao-Hwa / Urology Doctor
Dr. Chen, Yi-Cyuan / Otorhinolaryngology Doctor
Ms. Yeh, Chien-Ju / Nurse Practitioner (CVS)
Ms. Cheng, Wan-Hsuan / Project Manager of Overseas Medical Mission Center
Mr. Chen, Bo-Jun / Student Volunteer


  • (04)7238595 #8477
  • 4F., No. 20, Jianbao St., Changhua City

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  • 瀏覽人次 4494
  • 維護單位 :OMMC