Overseas Medical Mission

Core Value : SHARE


CCH and Taiwan AID Co-hosted the Series NGO International Development Forum: The Nourishing Love Story of the Youth NGO Leaders

On November 15th, 2022, Changhua Christian Hospital (CCH) and Taiwan Alliance in International Development (Taiwan AID) co-hosted “ Not only Taiwan can help-Series NGO International Development Forum: The Nourish Love Story of the Youth NGO Leaders. Dr. Nina Kao, the CEO of the Overseas Medical Mission Center of CCH, was the Keynote speaker introducing NGOs and the Sustainable Development Goals. Rikash Lin, the Founder of Calls over Rides, Kevin Chen, the CEO of One-Forty, and Linus Lee, the Deputy Director of the International Cooperation Division of Noordhoff Craniofacial Foundation, shared their nourishing love stories in their international cooperation program. The Forum aims to encourage more young generations to dedicate themselves to international development works.


  • (04)7238595 #8477
  • 4F., No. 20, Jianbao St., Changhua City

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  • 維護單位 :OMMC