Overseas Medical Mission

Core Value : SHARE


Cancer Prevention, Screening, and Treatment

【CCH Online Courses-Cancer Prevention, Screening, and Treatment】

WHO estimates that 70% of cancer deaths occur in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs), and by 2030, LMICs are expected to bear the brunt of the expected 24.1 million new cancer cases per year. Given cancer's social and economic burden in many LMICs, reducing global cancer and NCD burden is necessary for addressing social and economic inequity, stimulating economic growth, and accelerating sustainable development. Here cancer specialists from Changhua Christian Hospital (CCH) will share the cancer prevention, screening, and treatment. The topic covers prostate cancer, oral cavity cancer, thyroid cancer, colorectal cancer, epithelial ovarian cancer, and cervical cancer. Speakers will talk about the current trends and the clinical application and share their experiences. E-Certificate is available if you watch all of the Online Courses and finish the post-test & satisfaction survey.

Playlist(Click here)
Post-test & Satisfaction survey(En)

Training Courses Agenda




Video Links (English)

Video Links (Thai)


Oral Cavity Cancer

●Symptoms and Signs
Concurrent Chemoradiotherapy
Post-care and Follow Up


Diagnosis & Treatment of Prostate Cancer

Introduction of Prostate Cancer
Retzius-sparing RARP
●Treatment (Left-Prolonging)


Common Symptoms of Thyroid Cancer and Further Management

●Thyroid Gland and Anatomy
●The Bethesda System and Recommendation
●Total Thyroidectomy


Colorectal Cancer Screening 2021 Base on ACG Clinical Guidelines

How can we prevent the Colorectal Cancer
Understanding Who Is At Risk For Colorectal Cancer
Screening and Colorectal Cancer


Cervical Cancer, Prevention, Screening, Treatment

About Cervical Cancer
Primary Prevention(Vaccination)
Secondary Prevention(Screening)
●Third Prevention (Diagnosis and Treatment)
●Cervical Cancer Treatment


Epithelial Ovarian Cancer

●About Epithelial Ovarian Cancer
●Any Effective Screening Test for Ovarian Cancer Detection
Management of Ovarian Cancer




  • (04)7238595 #8477
  • 4F., No. 20, Jianbao St., Changhua City

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  • 瀏覽人次 4494
  • 維護單位 :OMMC