Overseas Medical Mission

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Calendar events-2016

  • Changhua Christian Hospital and the Mustard Seed Mission have signed the MOU for cooperation on 14th January, 2016, with the goal of promoting the international development and cooperation to reach the SDGs, and promote the health and social welfare of developing countries.
  • Prof. Dong Woon Hand and Prof. Byung Ho Rhee of Hanyang University, Korea visited Yuanlin Christian Hospital on Jan 19th.
  • Representative, Samdan Elbegand and vice representative, Yadmaa. Ganbaatar of Ulaanbaatar Trade and Economic Representative Office visited CCH on Jan 20th.
  • Overseas Medical Mission Center and Institutional Review Board were co-hosting the 2015 year-end party on Jan 21th.
  • Dr. Nina, CEO of the Overseas Medical Mission Center was interviewed by National Education Radio on 1st February to share the experiences in international cooperation and voluntary works.
  • Overseas Medical Mission Center invited two safe water professionals from Kun Shan University went to Compassion In Action in Myanmar to conduct feasibility study on safe water project and waste water recycling eco-system. (Jan. 27th – 29th ).
  • Ms. Mchail Miriam (from Papua New Guinea) through Mrs. Yaki’s introduction came to Changhua Christian Hospital to seek breast cancer therapy. After operation, she recovered well and back to Papua New Guinea safely (March 3rd – 14th).
  • A Cambodian delegation with 12 tourists visited CCH for health examination on Mar 16th .
  • A medical volunteer team was dispatched to Nepal for medical services from Mar 18th to 27th.
  • Overseas Medical Mission Center was organized the lunch party on Apr 1st for Taiwanese businessman in Vietnam.
  • CEO of Overseas Medical Mission Center, Dr. Nina joined the meeting of Mongolia Taiwan Trade Economic Cooperation at the Ulaanbaatar Trade and Economic Representative Office in Taipei on April 6th.
  • Overseas Medical Mission Center cooperated with the Mustard Seed Mission- the CEO Dr. Nina Kao and Huang, Shu-Ping (pharmacist) went to Orissa, India on April 10th to identify the potential project in Odisha and Chennai, India (April 10th - 18th ).
  • Changhua Christian Hospital donated beds, desks and stationery, loaded into a 40-feet container and delivered to the Myanmar NGO of Compassion In Action on April 15th.
  • Hon. Michael Bill Malabag, Minister for Health and HIV/AIDS, along with his wife and 3 officials of Ministry for Foreign Affair in Papua New Guinea, led by Mr. Wayne Wang, senior desk officer, MOFA, visited Changhua Christian Hospital on April 21st.
  • David Dean, the Co-Founder of The Health Roundtable visited the diabetes long-distance care system of CCH on April 28, and discuss the possibility of future cooperation and development.
  • Three medical personnel from St. Jude Hospital, St. Lucia, came to CCH for one month short-term advanced training at Department of Biological Engineering, Information Systems and Nursing(May 1st- 27th).
  • A medical volunteer team was dispatched to Nepal on May 11 for a nine-days medical services.
  • A delegations consisted 19 members from Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, Indonesia, leaded by Dr. Mahendro Prasetyo Kusumo called on CCH on May 12th to 13th.
  • A medical volunteer team was dispatched to St. Vincent for medical services from May 21st to June 12th.
  • Four medical personnel from Thailand came to CCH for short-term advanced training at Department of Information Systems and Nursing (June 5th – 30th ).
  • The dentist, Dr. Aibek Suinaliev from Kyrgyzstan came to CCH for two weeks short-term advanced training at Department of Dentistry. (27th June ~ 8th July)
  • Four medical personnel, Dr. Battsetseg Agvaandorj, Dr. Byamba-Erdene, Dr. Buyandelger Khurelbaatar and Ms. Purevsuren Enkhbayar from Mongolia came to CCH for two weeks short-term advanced training at Department of Pediatrics, Pathology, and Laboratory Medicine, Center for Geriatric Medicine, as well as Hospital Safety and Healthcare Quality Department. (27th June ~ 8th July)
  • A medical volunteer team was dispatched to Papua New Guinea for medical services from June 25th to July 2nd.
  • Three medical personnel, Mr. Andrew Austin Williams, Ms. Christobelle Rosita King and Ms. Lisa Antonia Simone Llewellyn from St. Vincent came to CCH for one month short-term advanced training at Nursing Department, IT Department and Department of Medical Business. (12th July ~ 6th August)
  • A medical volunteer team was dispatched to Mongolia on July 30 for an eight-days medical services. (July 30th – Aug.6th)
  • Three students, Ms. Ker Shu Yang, Ms. Sabrina Shao and Ms. Alexandra Yoong from Dental School of Kings of College come to CCH for six days short-term internship training at Department of Dentistry. (8th August ~ 13th August)
  • Four medical personnel, Ms. Kathleen Luvisca Albert, Ms. Margaret Gervin Henry-Samuel, Dr. Sylvestre Francois and Mr. Kevin Royston Didier from St. Jude Hospital of St. Lucia will come to CCH for one month short-term advanced training at Nursing Department, IT Department and Department of Biomedical Engineering. (27th August ~ 24th September)
  • Three PNG medical personnel, Dr. Damien Joseph Hasola (from Port Moresby General Hospital), Ms. Jenny Muli (from Wabag General Hospital) and Ms. Elizabeth Toto Noah-Kanini (from Nonga General Hospital) will come to CCH for one month short-term advanced training at Division of General Thoracic Surgery, Division of Cardiovascular Surgery and Department of Anesthesiology. (27th August ~ 24th September)
  • The Ophthalmologists, Dr. Gantsetseg Gombodorj from Mongolia came to CCH for one week short-term advanced training at Department of Ophthalmology. (5th September ~ 9th September)
  • A medical volunteer team was dispatched to India for medical services from September 10th to 18th.
  • A medical volunteer team was dispatched to St. Lucia for medical services from 24th September to 16th October.
  • A medical volunteer team was dispatched to Papua New Guinea for medical services from October 10th to 17th.
  • Five Nursing students, Mr. Danang Tri Yudono、Ms. Desi Natalia Trijayanti Idris、Mr. Dwi Harianto、Mr. Maruli Taufandas and Ms. Vina Yolanda Sari Sigalingging from  Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, Indonesia came to CCH for one month short-term advanced training at Nursing Department. (7th October ~ 4th November)
  • Delegation from Thailand Presbyterian hospitals visited Changhua Christian Hospital on Nov. 9th to 10th, 2016.
  • Changhua Christian Hospital conducted safe water project in the orphanage of Compassion In Action, Myanmar. The drinking water system has been completed on Nov. 17th and donated by the primary donor, Ambassador Chou, the CEO of NGO International Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, ROC(Taiwan).
  • A medical volunteer team was dispatched to St. Vincent for medical service from 19th November to 12th December.
  • Oversea Medical Mission Center Participated the Contest of Taiwan IHA 10th Anniversary and Photo Exhibition on Taiwan’s International Medical Assistance and Humanitarian Aid Efforts and Rewarded the Excellent Award.
  • Changhua Christian Hospital donated beds, desks and stationery, delivered in a 40-feet container to the Myanmar NGO of Compassion In Action on 7th Dec.
  • Industry Visit Programme for the Heads of Foreign Missions to the R.O.C.(Taiwan) visited Changhua Christian Hospital on Dec. 9th, 2016.
  • Samitivej and BNH Group of Hospitals, Thailand visited Changhua Christian Hospital on Dec. 13th to 14th, 2016.
  • A medical volunteer was dispatched to Thailand on Dec. 17th for an eight-day medical service.


  • (04)7238595 #8477
  • 4F., No. 20, Jianbao St., Changhua City

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