Overseas Medical Mission

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Calendar events-2011

  • 2010 year end dinner party was hosted by Overseas Medical Mission and Medical Ethics Department on Jan. 20th. More than 50 medical staffs used participated overseas medical team come to join the grateful and joyful party.
  • CCH first cooperated with Vision Youth Action (VYA) and sent Ms. Su-Tsai Huang the supervisor of Nurse Department to conduct women health education project and taught local women sewing personal cloth pad at rural area of Nepal from Jan 18th to 30th. One used but good autoclave was donated by GMISS to local clinic as well.
  • The Western Province Director of PNG Dr. Danaya was accompanied by Mr. Lee of Ministry of Foreign Affairs to call on CCH on January 26th and discuss the cooperative program in the future.
  • CCH initiated disaster relief donation since Japan earthquake tragedy on March 11th. Till April 21st, total amount 2, 339, 338 NTD was gathered from CCH staffs. Entired funds will be delivered to twin hospital in Japan to conduct reconstruction program.
  • Fifth to twenty pictures of medical team during service overseas were presented on IAS international volunteer exhibition at NTU from March 21st to April 1st.
  • CCH cooperated with Taiwan Theological College and Seminary (TAITHEO) and Taiwan Frontier Association to conduct medical mission feasibility study in Myanmar from Feb. 18th to 25th . From the concept notes of the study a medical team combines with missionary personnel will go to a rural Nujiang village in northeast Myanmar on end of June. The group plans to carry out medical service, public health education and preaches God Gospel as well. Besides, CCH, TAITHEO and Taiwan Frontier Association are scheduled to sign a MOU for the long-tern cooperation.
  • An official delegation organized by Ministry of Foreign Affairs composed the Governor General of St. Lucia, Dr. Louisy, and officers from St. Lucia came to Taiwan for 5 days visiting who also called on CCH on March 27th.
  • The deputy executive, Leonard Wu, of YongLin Healthcare Foundation and CCH superintendent, Dr. Kou, signed the funds donation minute at CCH on April 6th. The resources will be used on the program of overseas medical mission and 21st Century Foundation.
  • CCH launches diabetes medical geography mapping program in St. Lucia with Department of Geography, National Taiwan University. The two parties signed MOU on April 10th to strengthen the cooperation between international medical service and academic research.
  • The official delegation composed Prime Minister of St. Vincent and the Grenadines Dr. Hon. Ralph Gonsalves, Madame Eloise Gonsalves, Director of Public Information, Mr. St. Clair Jimmy Prince, H.E. Amb. Weber Shih of Taiwan Embassy in St. Vincent and the Grenadines called on CCH on April 21st. This is also the first time that the sovereign from ally country visited CCH.
  • A medical volunteer team led by Dr. Hsiao-Ling Kao, the CEO of Overseas Medical Mission and Medical Ethics Center was dispatched to St. Lucia on July 15th to conduct medical service at St. Jude Hospital for 20 days. Furthermore, the team also cooperated with National Taiwan University group to carry out the diabetes medical geography mapping program in St. Lucia.
  • A medical volunteer team was dispatched to Mongolia on August 6th to cooperate with National Central Hospital of Mongolia to conduct medical service at rural areas for 10 days.
  • An official Tibetan delegation from China invited by Mongolian & Tibetan Commission called on CCH on 26th August and discussed cooperative program in the future.
  • The Minister of Tourism and Industry of St. Vincent and the Grenadines Mr. Saboto Caesar was accompanied by Ms. Cheng of Ministry of Foreign Affairs to call on CCH on 1st September 2011.
  • The superintendent Dr. Kuo of CCH and Dr. Ravdan Amarbayasgalan from National Central Hospital of Mongolia signed sisterhood MOU on Sep. 15th, 2011. The former minister of DOH, Dr. Yaung, Chih-Liang, was invited as witness.
  • Five medical personnel from National Central Hospital of Mongolia came to CCH for short-term medical training from September 15th to October 13th. Trainers are as observers at Division of Endocrinology & Metabolism, Division of Gastroenterology & Hepatology, Department of Neurology and Department of Biomedical Engineering separately.
  • A medical volunteer team led by Dr. Ming-Tai Lin was dispatched to St. Lucia on September 24th to conduct medical service at St. Jude Hospital for 20 days.
  • A medical cooperation feasibility study to Indonesia was conducted by Dr. Nina, the CEO of Oversea Medical Mission from September 27th to October 1st .
  • Six medical personnel from St. Jude Hospital and another three from Milton Cato Memorial Hospital came to CCH for short-term training from October 4th to December 16th. Trainers was trained in ICU care, OR management, ER management, Endocrinology & Metabolism and Obstetrics & Gynecology as well.
  • Two medical personnel and one pastor from Overbrook Hospital of Thailand came to CCH for short-term training from October 8th to November 5th. Trainers learned Nursing management, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation and of Pastoral Care for 1 months at related departments.
  • Lt Gen (Ret) Dr. Tiopan Bernhard Silalahi was accompanied by Mr. Charles C. Li, Deputy Representative of Taipei Economic and Trade Office, Indonesia to call on CCH on October 21st and discussed the cooperative program in the future.
  • A medical volunteer team led by Dr. Tsai Yen Yu was dispatched to St. Lucia on November 19th to conduct medical service at St. Jude Hospital for 23 days.
  • A medical volunteer team led by Dr. Lin Ming Tai was dispatched to St. Vincent on November 19th to conduct medical service at Milton Cato Hospital for 23 days.
  • A medical volunteer team led by Dr. Kao Hsiao Ling was dispatched to north Thailand on December 11th to cooperate with Overbrook Hospital conducting medical service with for 8 days.
  • The Asst. Undersecretary for Hospital Affairs of Kingdom of Bahrain, Dr. Ameen Abdulkarim Al Saati and the official medical delegation were accompanied by Mr. Su, Ministry of Foreign Affairs to visit CCH on 12th December 2011.The delegation also sought the opportunity to cooperate in the future.
  • An official delegation from Department of Labour and Department of Foreign Affairs of Thua Thien Hue Province and Zhi-Shan Foundation called on CCH on 22nd December 2011. The children nutrition improvement program on January 2012 was also discussed during the meeting.


  • (04)7238595 #8477
  • 4F., No. 20, Jianbao St., Changhua City

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