Overseas Medical Mission

Core Value : SHARE


Dr. Yeh shared his experiences in epidemic prevent

How does the local government implement the central epidemic prevention policy? Dr. Yeh, the Director of Health Bureau of Changhua County, shared his experiences in implementing central strategies in epidemic prevention in accordance with local situations with health officials and medical professionals in Southeast Asia countries on May 29th. Changhua County is the highest aging ratio society and most risk in susceptible to COVID-19, Dr. Yeh coordinated with different organizations and mobilize resources to implement prevention policies so that all those diagnosed cases have been discharged. During the dialogue, Dr. Soawapak Hinjoy, Director of Office of International Cooperation, Department of Disease Control, Thailand, also shared the experiences in collaboration and coordination between the central and local governments in Thailand, as well as the measure indicators in easing the ban regulations for travel and tourists. In Myanmar, Dr. Tin Thitsa Lwin, Deputy Regional Public Health Director, Regional Public Health Department, Yangon Region, also share Myanmar situations, particular in the resources insufficient condition, Myanmar government still try to reduce the gap between rural and urban. A total of more than 100 participants from Thailand, Myanmar, Indonesia, Vietnam, Philippines, Malaysia, etc. joined the online dialogue and actively interaction and discussion with speaker.Online seminar video link: https://youtu.be/uaBT-gMBJvc  


  • (04)7238595 #8477
  • 4F., No. 20, Jianbao St., Changhua City

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  • 維護單位 :OMMC