Overseas Medical Mission

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Miriam’s Miraculous Journey

Miriam’s Miraculous Journey 

Author:Mchail Miriam, International Patient from Papua New Guinea
(Edited by Dr. Nina, Hsiao-Ling Kao, CEO of the Overseas Medical Mission Center)

My name is Miriam Mchail, I am from Papua New Guinea, one of the countries in the Pacific Islands. I live in Mt. Hagen, Western Highlands Province.

I was diagnosed with breast cancer in January, 2016.

I noticed blood coming from the nipple of my right breast in early 2014. I didn’t know it was one of the signs of breast cancer. A friend who is a nurse in my small town advised me to get a breast cancer examination. In July 2014, I went to Pacific International Hospital, a private hospital in Port Moresby. After all the examination of breast, the doctors found no tumor.

Blood kept coming from my breast and I went to Port Moresby General Hospital in November, 2015. After all examination, I got the result of being diagnosed with breast cancer on January 25th, 2016.  I was scheduled for a breast operation, however I have heard and seen a lot of PNG women die of breast cancer after operation and while on chemotherapy treatment.

My first thought in mind was to go overseas for treatment but didn’t know where. My sister asked one of her friends who went for breast cancer treatment in Singapore for the address of the hospital she went to.

The hospital fee was about US$70,000, I couldn’t afford, and that was a lot of money. Many Papua New Guineans go for medical treatment in Philippines, and so I decided to go to Philippines on February 11th, 2016 with a friend who resides in Philippines.

On the February 9th, 2016 I met Mr Yaki and he gave me Janet Yaki’s contact number. Janet Yaki got her treatment in Changhua Christian Hospital, Taiwan. She is the Director of PNG Stoma Association.

I talked to her about my medical condition; she said she will assist me with her contacts in Taiwan. She emailed my diagnosis report and referral letter to Dr Nina CEO, Overseas Medical Mission Center.

Thank God, I received an email from Dr Nina and she mentioned the Hospital fees of US$3,500 – US$4,000 which included accommodation. Furthermore, after Dr Nina talked with the Hospital Superintendent he discounted the hospital bills by 30%. I was comfortable with the amount and asked for an appointment. We lodged our visa application at the Taiwan Trade Mission, on the 17th.

February, 2016. Dr Nina assisted by emailing the Taiwan Trade Mission. The visa was approved the next day. My husband Joe and I schedule to visit the Doctor on March 4th, 2016. These happened like miracle from God.

We arrived in Taichung Airport on the March 3rd, 2016. Dr Nina and Esther warmly welcomed us. Thank God, I couldn’t believe the hug and courtesy welcome given by both women. The welcome given was like I knew them in the past, I felt like they were my guiding angels.

In Changhua we were given our lodging with aids like Taiwanese cuisine directory, two handset phones with directories to reach them, bag by CCH and meal cards for our convenience. Dr Nina took us for dinner, the Taiwanese cuisine was so delicious and pleasant; we enjoyed our meal using chop stick. Thank you Dr Nina, chop stick was great experience for us, we are taking some chop sticks with us to PNG.

On Friday March 4th, 2016, I was scheduled to visit the Oncologist, Dr Chin-Cheng SU. The exam. were mammography, breast ultra sound and core needle biopsy were done. A further exam for liver ultra sound and bone scan was scheduled for Monday. I was advised by the doctor that his finding confirmed breast cancer and surgery was scheduled for Tuesday February 8th

We rested on Saturday. On Sunday, Dr Nina arranged for the shuttle car to take us to an adventure park, Sun Moon Lake. From the Sun Moon Lake we went in cable car to historical sites of the many tribes of Taiwan with their cultural activities. The highlight of the scene was Sakura Festival (very beautiful tree, cherry blossoms). The cable car was so amazing, it was a breathtaking experience for us, we enjoyed every moment at the beautiful adventure park.

On Monday, the exams were done efficiently and the results were given in the afternoon. The two examinations confirmed that cancer has not spread.

Tuesday March 8th 2016 8:30am anesthesia was administered and I had my surgery. After two hours I was in the ward with my right breast removed. Got admitted for a night, the next morning I recovered well from the surgery and the doctor discharged me from the ward, review scheduled for Saturday, 12th March 2016.

On Wednesday I rested in the room. On Thursday Dr Nina invited us for a dinner with her colleagues in a Japanese Restaurant. The restaurant had small stoves fitted to the table for each person to cook their own meal. Wow that was fascinating, very nice meal, we were all very excited.

We met some very wonderful and humble people on the other side of world. The hospitality from the Overseas Medical Mission Team, the Nurses and Doctors and the Administration staff of Changhua Christian Hospital was superb. We will remember your kindness and humanity for the rest of our life. We will have an amazing story to tell when we go back to Papua New Guinea. May you all continue your great mission with God.

God is great, God is to be honored.
Psalm 112:1 “Praise the Lord! Great blessings belong to those who fear and respect the Lord, who are happy to do what he commands”

My husband Joe and I would like to THANK each and every one mentioned in my article for your compassion and assistance.

*NB. ‘’Special thanks to my Guardian Angels, Dr Nina, Esther & Jenny – words cannot express my feelings, I Love you all and will be missing you girls’’


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