Overseas Medical Mission

Core Value : SHARE


The China Steel Corporation called on CCH on Mar. 7th 2013, to discuss the cooperative program in the future.

The China Steel Corporation Vice President of Corporate Planning Division,  Mr. Wang Mou-Pin, and General Manager of Corporate Strategy Dept. Mr. Liu Ke Chiang, called on CCH on March 7th 2013, to discuss the cooperative program in the future.  They are accompanied by Dr. Kuo, the superintendent of CCH, to visit Department of Medical Quality and Safety, Center for Health Management, Long-diatance Health Management Center and  Landsborugh’s Graft with Love Memorial Hall.


  • (04)7238595 #8477
  • 4F., No. 20, Jianbao St., Changhua City

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  • 維護單位 :OMMC