For Your Health

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Prefiltered Resources website: 前往圖書館進行相關連節


  DynaMed Plus 

  Nursing Reference Center(NRC)臨床實證護理 

  First Consult @ CK

  Cochrane Library 


  ACP Journal Club Prefiltered Resources

  Evidence-Based Medicine 

  Evidence-Based Mental Health 

  Evidence-Based Nursing 

  International Journal of Evidence-Based Healthcare

  Journal of Evidence-Based Dental Practice 

Unfiltered Resources  前往圖書館進行相關連節


Ovid Medline (院內外皆需認證)

EBSCO Cinahl

Proquest Nursing Journals 


Trip Medical Database (Trip is a clinical search engine designed to allow users to uickly and easily find and use high-quality research evidence to support their practice and/or care.)


Centre for Evidence-based Medicine: Oxford (The Centre has been established in Oxford as the first of several centres around the country whose broad aim is to promote evidence-based health care and provide support and resources to anyone who wants to make use of them. Our prospectus outlines the specific aims of the Centre and the goals we have identified, as well as the means we propose to use in achieving those goals.)

DUMC Library-- Evidence-based Medicine

EBM Education Center of Excellence (Teaching and Leading EBM: A Workshop for Teachers and Champions of Evidence-Based Medicine.)

OT Seeker Evidence-Based Practical Resources(This page offers freely accessible resources, power-point presentations and links to evidence-based practice resources. Click on one of the selections below for more information. )

SUNY Downstate EBM Tutorial

Introduction to Evidence-Based Medicine Course( This is a Web-based course that introduces the basic concepts of Information Mastery, Evidence-Based Medicine (EBP), and critical appraisal of the medical literature. )

Resources of Evidence-Based: McMaster University

Centre for Health Evidence

Clinical Calculator--Medical College of Wisconsin

CASP Critical Appraisal Skills Programme (CASP) and Evidence-based Practice.

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