For Your Health

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♣ 家庭醫學科國外研討會海報/口頭論文發表 ♣

發表年份 發表人 主題 會議名稱 會議地點 發表型式
2019 劉晏孜 Characteristics of residents in six rural villages of a remote township in central Taiwan and their correlation with disease types WONCA 日本東京 海報
林中一 Navigating Cancer Care Model from a Taiwanese Medical Center - Cancer
Patients’ Needs and Service Effectiveness
HPH 波蘭 口頭
劉家昌 78-year-old woman developing iatrogenic milk alkali syndrome after ingesting Vitamin D and Calcium citrate supplement : a case report WONCA 日本東京 海報
黃萱 The effect of home safety evaluation for elderly fall prevention WONCA 日本東京 海報
黃淮涓 An analysis of the characteristics of travelers in a medical center in central Taiwan WONCA 日本東京 海報
許瑩姿 The relationship between the clinical frailty scale and inpatients days in the geriatric ward of a medical center in Taiwan WONCA 日本東京 海報
2018 楊鈺雯 Applying Telehealth to High-technology Workers to Improve Glycemic Control HPH 義大利波隆那 海報
林益卿 The Effectiveness of "Family Doctor Integrated Delivery System" in a Country Area of Central Taiwan HPH 義大利波隆那 海報
劉晏姿 Use of bonuses to reward employees to enhance the effectiveness of smoking cessation HPH 義大利波隆那 海報
黃珮茹 Improve Staff’s Capability of Home-Made Diet by Holding Cookery Course and Recording Cook Video HPH 義大利波隆那 海報
李坤鴻 A positive correlation between blood glucose level and bone mineral density in Taiwan WONCA 韓國首爾 海報
2017 蔡佩渝 Establishment of the Advance Care Planning (ACP) Outpatient Clinic -Sharing Experiences of Taiwan Changhua Christian Hospital The 12th Asian Pacific Hospice Conference  新加坡 海報
林益卿 Health Promotion for the Elderly in a rural Community HPH 奧地利維也納 海報
Strategies to Improve the Reading Rate of Pharmacloud System in a Community Medical Group HPH 奧地利維也納 海報
家庭醫療服務經驗分享 第二屆心身醫學(國際)高峰論壇 中國北京 海報
林盈利 Health Promotion for the Elderly in a rural Community HPH 奧地利維也納 海報
Palliative Care for a Patient with Terminal Heart Failure at Home The 12th Asian Pacific Hospice Conference  新加坡 海報
劉晏姿 Using Telephone Interview Support Strategy to Improve the Effect of Postpartum Women Weight Control HPH 奧地利維也納 海報
Workplace health promotion: Experiences of Weight Control Class for Employees HPH 奧地利維也納 海報
黃珮茹 Apply the Strategy of Light Meal DIY to Reduce the Habit of Regular Out-Eat Health Care Providers in Changhua Christian Hospital HPH 奧地利維也納 海報
2016 林益卿 Effectiveness of the Plan for Family Doctor Integrated Delivery System: An Experience from Changhua City in Taiwan APACPH 日本 海報
劉晏姿 Effects of Polypharmacy on the Low Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol (LDL-C) Target Goal Attainment in Type 2 Diabetic Patients with Hyperlipidemia BeHealth Conference 2016 香港 海報
The association of diabetes mellitus and nephrolithiasis : a cross-sectional population-based study 2016 Keystone Symposia Conference  日本京都
2015 楊鈺雯

Applying Telehealth to Weight Management

HPH 挪威 海報
Healthy Cooking Help to Improve the Health Status of Your Family HPH 挪威 海報
林益卿 Effectiveness of Active Intervention via Telephone in Patients with Hypercholesterolemia HPH 挪威 海報
Medical application of Instant Messaging App to promote health care in Taiwan's remote area HPH 挪威 海報
劉晏姿 Medical application of Instant Messaging App to promote health care in Taiwan's remote area HPH 挪威 海報




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