

2023年巴布亞紐幾內亞短期醫療團(第二梯次)服務感想 - 雲基急診部 唐家沅醫師


The Power of Actitude

急診部 ─ 唐家沅醫師

     Papua New Guinea (PNG) occupies the eastern half of the land of New Guinea, it includes over 600 island and 5000 km of coastline.

     PNG is famous with its natural resources and it is home to one of the largest tropical rainforest rich in forestry, mineral, flora and fauna.

     We arrived to Port Moresby PNG's capital, we pass through the immigration and customs service without any hassles thanks to Dr Kao's arrangement. We had lunch with our ambassador, he explained to us the difficult situation of our country in the world’s geopolitical scenario, how we struggle to gain a place in the globe after oppression and coercion by others, but we can still win the war smartly showing our " Soft Power".

     At the second day we encounter a patient with acute abdomen (abdominal pain) , the abdominal CT was done and I helped the ED staffs to interpret the images, at the same time we had exchange of ideas, finally we reached the conclusion of " Hollow Organ Perforation", the patient needed an emergent operation, we asked the resident to perform a consultation to general surgeon ( GS), he replied us that he needed the formal report to proceed consult the GS, that answer surprised me! Indeed the operation must be done as soon as possible to avoid fatal consequences. Ultimately the attending physician grabbed the phone and called the GS, immediately the patient was taken to the operation room, he had final diagnosis of " gastric antrum perforation" , it reached an happy ending. Day after the ER attending physician invited me a delicious typical food as a successful mutual cooperation. That is the most gratification moment being a physician knowing after tenacity and determination we saved the patient’s life.

     In the life time, we stand at many crossroads, we can easily use many pretexts, " laissez-faire policy" (let it be) seems to be the most uncomplicated solution. We accuse our present underdevelopment due to the colonization of hundreds of years ago? We indict of powerful countries discrimination, belittling obstructed our international presence? Ironically those are only excuses by the politicians. How if our kids get low grades after playing all day video games instead of studying. Do we blame the teacher because he doesn't know how to teach?

     If we work hard, fight to reach our goals, the rest of World will respect us. As same as the team leading by Dr Poki and Dr Demian, they worked hard showing their " Soft Power" to achieve their dreams of Kidney Transplantation in PNG, we will assist them to accomplish their objective as an eternal friendship between us. The Power of Actitude will change the destiny of PNG people with a brighter future!

  • (04)7238595 #8477
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