

2023年巴布亞紐幾內亞短期醫療團(第一梯次)服務感想 - 泌尿外科 陳柏華醫師


The reflection and suggestions of the medical volunteer team to PNG

泌尿外科 ─ 陳柏華醫師

     This is my first time on medical related exchange, not sure what to expect. The transfer flight was long and tiring but uneventful. We made it safely to our accommodations. The local officials were helpful and useful in further cooperations between hospitals. Being able to take part in daily medical practice and education is helpful to see how wonderful our current situation is in Taiwan. In these developing places, the medical resources is hard to come by. For those that could afford the resources, they are grateful for any help that you could supply to them.

     In the medical education, they have a lot that needs to improve. After experiencing the medical education resources, we should be very grateful for the opportunity that we have. For a country with limited resources that has a foresight for wanting a transplant program is bold and brave. There is a lot that needs to be prepared for a successful transplant and we wish them the best. I would also like to recommend for initial transplant to be cadaveric and learn from those experiences then proceeding into the realms of living donation.

     Morning consultation during rounds and office. There were stone cases and prostate cases. There was a prostate cancer case that suffered from urethral stricture and possible recurrence. The patient will bring back data tomorrow for further consultation. We also got to know the difference in public and private hospital setting. The wealth discrepancy is large in PNG. The difference in private health care and public healthcare is a lot. (see picture in 雲端) For patient with need and has the resource, we can offered healthcare holidays for these patients.

     For the last day of the trip, we visited the local Gerehu hospital. The hospital started as a small clinic in Gerehu district. The size is much smaller than POM gen and the different equipment is more in high demand. It will need a lot of work to make it close to district hospital standards in Taiwan. We then had a briefing at the department of health services. There were talks of MOU cooperations between PNG and CCH. It will be interesting but there are a lot of details that need to be iron out before anything can be set in stone.

     Medical exchange is great for improving health care and patient care. But in the real world, there are political considerations in office and between countries.

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