


"I speak English, because I don't afraid to speak it out"



The people will ask, what's the relation between the title of this essay and the final review of our medical mission? Be patient I will let you know at the final of this text. (摘譯:你們或許會問此文章的標題與海外醫療任務之最後省思有何關聯? 請耐心等待,在文章的最後,你將會找到解答。)

      This is the first time I went to a medical mission with Changhua Christian Hospital team. The driver picked us up at 2:00am then we arrived airport by 5:00am to catch the 7:00 am's flight, after 4 hours we arrived Yangon International Airport.  The first impression of this country to me was a little bit underdevelopment due to its poor infrastructure, the streets were full of holes, and traffic congestion is horrible w
  • (04)7238595 #8477
  • 彰化市建寶街20號4樓

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  • 瀏覽人次 20147
  • 維護單位 :海外醫療中心