

最新論文發表~Mitochondrial impairment and synaptic dysfunction are associated with neurological defects in iPSCs-derived cortical neurons of MERRF patients.

本研究院於112年7月份發表一篇SCI期刊論文「Yu-Ting Wu; Hui-Yi Tay; Jung-Tse Yang; Hsiao-Hui Liao; Yi-Shing Ma; Yau-Huei Wei*(2023)Mitochondrial impairment and synaptic dysfunction are associated with neurological defects in iPSCs-derived cortical neurons of MERRF patients. J. Biomed. Sci.(2023) 30:70, https://doi.org/10.1186/s12929-023-00966-8.

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  • 瀏覽人次 3065
  • 維護單位 :粒線體醫學暨自由基研究院