



巴紐男舌癌來台就醫獲新生 術後10天大啖奶茶、鳳梨酥

37歲的彼得因罹患晚期舌癌,從巴紐飛越半個地球來到彰化基督教醫院接受治療,術後10天順利出院,彼得能正常進食與說話,還能喝奶茶、吃台灣特產鳳梨酥,對台灣醫療技術讚不絕口。他說,這次治療不僅讓他恢復健康,也讓全家看見台灣醫療的卓越。 (詳全文)

台灣駐索馬利蘭代表處羅震華大使代表彰基捐贈Edna Adan University Hospital(EAUH)醫療物資

2024年5月8日,台灣駐索馬利蘭共和國代表處羅震華大使代表彰基捐贈Edna Adan大學附設醫院(EAUH)醫療物資一批並舉行捐贈儀式,由EAUH院長 Edna Adan女士代表接受,現場共超過百名醫護人員及學生出席。 (詳全文)

2024.03.25 智慧城市展泰國代表團拜會立法院 盼推行台泰貿易協定

第十一屆台灣智慧城市展上週落幕,今年規模更勝以往,其中泰國表現亮眼,團長李致德率泰國代表團訪台,期間拜會立法院副院長江啟臣,就台泰交流現況交換意見,並針對預算法第62-1條海外地區部分與台泰自由貿易協定進行反饋。今年「智慧城市專業展會」(Smart City Summit & Expo, 簡稱 SCSE)共有來自46國家與地區,共迎來超過2,192位的外賓,其中泰國表現亮眼,逾300位外賓與會,顯現新南向國家已經是台灣現階段經濟發展最密切的地區。李致德率代表團領訪台,成員包含顧問彰化基督教醫院海外醫療中心執行長高小玲博士、泰國公共衛生部醫療產業服務促進局局長Dr. Akrapon Kurusarttra以及智慧城市、智慧醫療相關的泰國上市公司與公協會共30位執行長級高階管理人,進行台泰雙邊經濟、文化交流。(詳全文)

2024.02.27 經濟部產發署、金屬中心攜手國內智慧醫療廠商,建置「泰國智慧急診 – 腦出血AI檢測臨床場域」

在經濟部產業發展署指導下,財團法人金屬工業研究發展中心透過「創新醫療產品市場准入驗證加值計畫」資源挹注,輔導國內已通過TFDA的智慧醫療產品廠商將國產創新醫療導入國外智慧醫療臨床場域,同時收集臨床效益實證數據,以協助優質國產醫材在智慧醫療產業紮根,達成推動國外場域驗證,加速產業國際布局之目標。智慧醫療近年來逐漸躍上醫療產業主舞台,成為不可忽視的市場商機。由慧誠智醫股份有限公司「遠距醫療平台」整合並導入已於泰國取證之晉弘科技股份有限公司「五官鏡」、英華達股份有限公司「血壓、血氧、體溫計等生理量測設備」,及愛因斯坦人工智慧股份有限公司之「DEEPCT腦中風AI判斷系統」等智慧醫療產品進行串聯,於泰國清邁McCormick 醫院所建置之「泰國智慧急診 – 腦出血AI檢測臨床場域」(下稱腦出血AI檢測臨床場域)於2月27日正式啟用,由財團法人金屬工業研究發展中心黃博偉副處長、泰國清邁McCormick 醫院院長(Dr. Manoch Laowong)、彰化基督教醫院高小玲博士及慧誠公司等代表共同揭幕。 (詳全文)

2024.01.18 Taiwan Christian hospital leads in cancer treatment

THE world-class medical referral services of Taiwan, Chang Hua Christian Hospital (CCH), has proven to be cost-effective. The hospital's international unit manager Kao said CCH was a world leader in tumor removal technology, especially oral tumor, with a survival rate of stage four cancer exceeding global standards. "The centre is also committed to international medicare exchanges,” she said. "The facility (pictured right) is based in the centre of Taiwan and has more than 60 specialties. We can care for any kind of cancer. "The cost is diverse and depends on the person's condition and the treatment of it, whether chemo, radiotherapy, target, surgery, and so on," Kao said. (詳全文)

2024.01.09 Patient says ‵thank you′ to hospital

A rectal cancer patient, Benjamin Walu Hetra is recovering after undergoing surgery at the Changhua Christian Hospital in Taiwan last year 2023. He was diagnosed with stage three rectal cancer. The patient's tumor was too big and radiotherapy and chemotherapy had to be done first. According to information gathered from the hospital, at the beginning of March, Changhua CCH received an e-mail from Benjamin, inquiring about receiving treatments at CCH. After assessing the medical reports provided by the patient, the colorectal surgeon of CCH, Dr Yu-Yao Chang, said because the patient's tumor was too big, radiotherapy and chemotherapy had to be done first. Then, an assessment would be undertaken to see if the tumor is suitable for the surgery. (詳全文)

2024.01.02 POM Gen embarks on options for referral services in Taiwan

WHILE Papua New Guinea is in the process of developing cancer services domestically, the partnership with Chang Hua Christian Hospital in Taiwan aims to provide cost effective alternatives for patients in need. Medical director of the Port Moresby General Hospital (PMGH) Kone Sobi said this after a recent visit to the Chang Hua Hospital which has instilled confidence in the collaboration, as it is a world class facility accredited by renowned healthcare bodies like JCI, ensuring the peace of mind for PNG patients seeking services there. According to the Taiwan economic cultural office representative Ben Wang said this initiative not only addresses the urgent healthcare needs in PNG but also fosters international collaboration for improved healthcare outcomes.(詳全文)

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