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        傳統基督教立場以神創造一切並給人祂無誤的啟示-聖經,全盤字意上接受創世紀描述的創造。早期教父如巴西流 (Basilius Caesariensis, 330-379) 即主張以字意性 (literally) 解釋創世紀。奧古斯丁(354-430)主張以示意性 (figuratively) 讀聖經,雖然巴西流與奧古斯丁等認為原罪存在。傳統立場主張地球約 5、6千年、神以六日(每日24小時)創造宇宙萬物、包括一男一女(歷史上的亞當與夏娃)、亞當與夏娃墮落是人與生物必死及人苦難的來源是原罪、因罪人須神的救贖(教會的由來)、諾亞時代發生過全球性大洪水。早期教父奧力根 (Origen of Alexandria, c.185 - c.254) 則反對字意性解讀聖經。

        加爾文在創世記註釋 (Commentary on the Book of Genesis, 1554) 傳統立場主張年輕地球 (約5000-10000年)、神以六日(每日24小時)創造宇宙萬物1 、包括一男一女(歷史上的亞當與夏娃) 2 、亞當與夏娃墮落是人與生物必死3及人苦難的來源 3、是原罪4 、因原罪人須神的救贖5(教會的由來)發生過全球性大洪水6 。在基督教要義 (Institutes of the Christian Religion, 1559年)裡主張世界還不到六千年7,歷史亞當8不但是祖先也是人類的根源,因亞當犯罪人們同受咒詛8

        馬丁路德在論創世紀 (Lectures on Genesis, 1535)多次主張不能以示意性(allegorically or figuratively )解釋創世紀神創造世界10,而須以字意 (literally and plainly) 解釋,主張從摩西寫的創世紀我們知道世界還不到六千年11,並且歷史亞當與夏娃的存在等。

        長老會接受的韋斯敏斯德信仰信條 (Westminster Confession of Faith,1647) 相信聖經之無謬的真理性(Ch1:5),創造世界,...以六日做成,並都甚好(Ch4:1),上帝造了一切其他被造物之後,就造了人,造男造女(Ch4:2),始祖既為全人類的根源,此罪的孽就歸給他們的後裔,且在罪中之死與敗壞的天性,就遺傳給他們所生出的子孫。(Ch6:3)。


1 And God called the light That is, God willed that there should be a regular vicissitude of days and nights; which also followed immediately when the first day was ended. For God removed the light from view, that night might be the commencement of another day.(Commentary on the Book of Genesis, pdf-p44 ) ...Let us rather conclude that God himself took the space of six days, for the purpose of accommodating his works to the capacity of men.(p45)....God had before created the light, but he now institutes a new order in nature, that the sun should be the dispenser of diurnal light, and the moon and stars should shine by night. (p49)

2 God created man, male and female created he them, is of the same force as if he had said, that the man himself was incomplete(p58) the creation of man, that his body was taken out of the earth. He had said that he was formed after the image of God (p81).

3 Afterwards followed the fall of Adam, whereby he alienated himself from God; whence it came to pass that he was deprived of all rectitude. Thus Moses represents man as devoid of all good, blinded in understanding, perverse in heart, vitiated in every part, and under sentence of eternal death;(p33)....For although I acknowledge that the earth, from the time that it was accursed, became reduced from its native beauty to a state of wretched defilement, and to a garb of mourning, and afterwards was further laid waste in many places by the deluge;....(P87)

4 .... from the time of the first man's alienation from God, we are all born accursed, here a new remedy is offered unto us (p325).

5 Adam had by his own desperate fall ruined himself and all his posterity, this is the basis of our salvation, this the origin of the Church(p33),

6 ...through the sin of man, punishment should overflow the earth, though innocent(p140).

7 而現在將近末世,世界還不到六千年(基督教要義V1 Ch14 pdf-p43)。

8 他不在地上充滿各樣可以增加亞當幸福的東西以前,創造了他(p44)。

9 所謂亞當的罪叫我們受神的審判,意思不是指我們雖然無罪,卻無辜地擔負他的罪債,乃是指我們因他犯罪的結果而同受咒詛,所以可以說,他把我們捲入了罪的漩渦(基督教要義V2 Ch1 pdf-p4,5)。

10 Equally useless is it to consider Moses in the beginning of his history as speaking mystically or allegorically....we conclude that Moses spoke literally and plainly and neither alleprically nor figuratively;...(Lectures on Genesis pdf-p5)

11 From Moses however we know that 6000 years ago the world did not exist. (Lectures on Genesis pdf-p5)




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